Okay, this course is definitely beyond what I need ChatGPT for. But that’s okay. I think the idea of a Twitter thread can very easily be translated into a more traditional blog post. Plus getting to see templates for training the AI is really useful.

Based on the best tweet from yesterday’s prompt (found here!), I asked the AI to create a thread. Again, ChatGPT loves emojis, which is really funny to me. For today’s blog I’ll leave them in here, but for the record, I asked it to remove all emojis and it cleaned them up really easily.

I’m pretty happy with ChatGPT’s first attempt at today’s prompt:

Lead-In Tweet: Dreaming of a braces-free smile? Boost your journey with these smart flossing tips and get that dazzling grin sooner than you think!

Main Point 1: Employ floss threader for effective cleaning:

  • Glide under wires easily.
  • Ensure no area is left uncleaned.
  • Bid goodbye to hidden food particles.
  • Fresh breath, healthy gums, hello!

Encouraging Sentence: Stay committed for a cleaner, faster smile.

Main Point 2: Carefully clean around wires and teeth daily:

  • Brushing isn’t enough, get in-between.
  • Remove buildup, prevent stains.
  • No more awkward food moments.
  • Shine bright like a braces-free diamond.

Encouraging Sentence: Your diligence will make those braces history.

Main Point 3: Plaque prevention paves the way for progress:

  • Plaque + braces = no good.
  • Regular flossing keeps decay at bay.
  • A clean slate for your perfect smile canvas.
  • Every flossing session counts!

Encouraging Sentence: You’re on your way to a plaque-free victory.

Main Point 4: Dedication to dental hygiene accelerates results:

  • Consistency is key, floss daily.
  • Short floss breaks for long-lasting beauty.
  • Embrace the routine, embrace the reward.
  • Your commitment, your stunning transformation.

Encouraging Sentence: Your smile journey is powered by your dedication.

Main Point 5: Seek orthodontist’s insights for optimal care:

  • Customized advice for your unique needs.
  • Ask questions, address concerns.
  • Orthodontist’s guidance = success catalyst.
  • Collaboration for the win!

Encouraging Sentence: Together with your orthodontist, you’ve got this.

Call-To-Action: Hungry for more smile-boosting tips? Follow for expert insights and brace yourself for that braces-free radiance.

There are probably a few places where the AI uses strange wording, but overall I think this was a pretty effective training and I could definitely translate this “thread” into a more traditional blog. Check back in tomorrow (or at least sometime soon) to continue on this journey with me!