Creating a Headline

V1: I want to write about dental care.

V2: I want to write about flossing your teeth.

V3: I want to write about flossing your teeth when you have braces.

V4:  I want to write about flossing your teeth when you have braces as a teenager.

V5: I want to write about flossing your teeth when you have braces as a teenager so that you can get your braces off sooner.

Version 5 here is the subatomic idea.

Building an “Outline as Content”

I’m not sure this piece is super relevant to me since this piece is really about writing for social media. But for the sake of the exercise, here is a list of tips and tricks.

  1. Invest in tools that make flossing easier, like a WaterPik!
  2. Develop a routine for flossing your teeth. Do it every night before bed.
  3. Keep a note on your bathroom mirror as a reminder.
  4. Better yet, set a recurring reminder on your phone.
  5. Talk to your friends with braces. Learn about their routines. Hold each other accountable.
  6. Think about the prom photos!

Now we can train the AI to Develop the “Outlines as Content”

So apparently ChatGPT loves emojis…and hashtags. Here is the first draft of a tweet based on my V5 headline.

Keep that beautiful smile shining! Flossing with braces is key. ⚡️

  • Use a floss threader for easy access.
  • Gently navigate between wires and teeth.
  • Aim for daily flossing to prevent plaque buildup.
  • Your efforts now mean quicker braces removal later.
  • Consult your orthodontist for expert tips.

I asked it to re-write the piece without any emojis…

Maintain your dazzling smile by mastering braces care:

  • Employ a floss threader for hassle-free cleaning.
  • Navigate the spaces between wires and teeth meticulously.
  • Consistent daily flossing prevents stubborn plaque.
  • Your commitment to oral hygiene expedites braces removal.
  • Seek advice from your orthodontist for effective techniques.

And then asked it to do it again.

Maintain your dazzling smile! Effective flossing with braces matters:

  • Utilize a floss threader for smooth access.
  • Carefully navigate between wires and teeth.
  • Ensure daily flossing to prevent plaque accumulation.
  • Your diligence pays off for faster braces removal.
  • Seek guidance from your orthodontist for best practices.

These tweets seem pretty generic to me. I’m not a huge fan, but it probably doesn’t help that the topic is not the most compelling and that I’m using GPT-3.5.

I added an extra constraint, just to see if it would be a little less cheesy and…

Boost your chances of quicker braces removal with smart flossing:

  • Employ floss threader for effective cleaning.
  • Carefully clean around wires and teeth daily.
  • Plaque prevention paves the way for progress.
  • Dedication to dental hygiene accelerates results.
  • Seek orthodontist’s insights for optimal care.

I’m definitely happiest with this one. I look forward to tomorrow’s prompt on creating a “thread” of tweets.