Hi there! I’m a Ph.D. candidate in chemistry at Rice University in Houston, TX where I am studying the chemical mechanisms that contribute to the growth of gold nanoparticles, with a specific focus on the dynamics of an electrostatically-bound ligand shell. Usually the next question people ask is “what’s the application?” The short answer is: there isn’t one. The long answer is a lot more complicated, and will show you that the short answer is a lie.

Outside of my work, I consider myself an occasional runner. What that effectively means is that I run when the Houston heat doesn’t make that nearly impossible. I’m an aspiring leader, trying to build my technical and soft skills while in graduate school. I spend a lot of time with my wife, Jess, and our cat, Leo.

Well, that’s me. For now. Hope you enjoy my blog.

Email: cfg2@rice.edu

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carolyngraverson/

X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/CarlyGraverson

P.S. Recently I earned my Leadership Foundations badge from the Doerr Institute at Rice University. Learn more about it here:

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