When I was a freshman in college, I gave my mom probably the most special gift I will ever give (yes, I peaked way too early). Secretly in my dorm room, I learned to play ukulele and played/sang for her House of Gold by twenty one pilots.

But this isn’t that.

A few years ago, after moving to Houston and spending a lot of time reflecting on my place in the ivory tower of academia, I thought about who I am. And so much of who I am comes from my parents. So I wrote this. I ended up giving it to my mom for Mother’s Day. It’s probably the second best gift I’ve ever given.


I am.

I am my father’s legacy.

I am a night school, full-time day job, father of two.

I am missed practices, missed games. I am missed recitals and meets and plays. I am many, many missed suppers. I am a missed husband.

I am shiftwork, clock in, clock out. I am an accountant. I am a vice president, a president. I am a leader. I am now father of three.

I am play hard, have fun, cannot be unhappy in a Hawaiian shirt. I am opportunities.

I am grit, I am not a product of circumstance, I am self-made.

I am my mother’s legacy.

I am a semester away from a degree, instead self-taught through hard-earned experience.

I am a woman, a tongue of flames that cannot be extinguished by the tears on my face after men around me think they get to decide who I am.

I am bring home the bacon, fry it in the pan, wake up alarm, morning breakfast, chauffeur, cheerleader, do it again tomorrow. I am a wife. I am a mother of one, then two, then three.

I am not here as just a woman, I am here as your equal. I am not here to fill your box, I am here to operate your machine. I am vice president. I am here, in my corner office.

I am emotional intelligence, I am not confined by glass ceilings, I am the maker of my own path.


P.S. Photo credit to the incredible C. Mae!